Not so long ago, a famous youtuber and former radio announcer was accused of sexual violation to one of his fans during an event. Don’t know where the case is currently stand but I do personally hope, the factual base of the case can come into the light according to the respected law, not through activism shit and hashtaging crap.
Whatever the result of the case, it is shows that the current urban entertainment trend is going into weird direction that is driven by bunch of beta-males. We have seen people like the accused celebrity proudly tell stories about sleeping with numbers of people, and it has been normalized in this kind of entertainment, especially youtube shows.
This kind of content, especially that is open for public is utterly trash and degraded the value of man as a protector and responsible figure. I actually don’t care about his lifestyle, but it is different when it is told in public channel and normalized by the digital media. It is become public consumption and furthermore become somewhat a trend.
But this digital era has democratized content creation, so we cannot control those kinds of contents to not appear on public domain. The argument ‘if you don’t like then don’t watch’ is absolutely true, but of course real men don’t eat and watch trash.
I can say that in the urban culture that is created and run by beta-males, not only alpha-males but females also will be the victim of this stupid tragedy.
Putu Radar Bahurekso
t : @puturadar | ig : putu.radar