-always easy, always insightful-
The Journal Radar welcomes unsolicited news articles, analysis pieces, short commentaries and op-eds. If you have any idea you’d like to pitch, please send it to: or (subject: TJR Pitch).
- The ideal length for news stories is between 250 – 650 words.
- We will also consider packages or series of stories addressing a common theme or topic.
- Please submit completed articles as a Word document or written in body email.
- To assist in fact-checking and aid transparency for readers, we would like all assertions or references to factual events to contain a hyperlink (which doesn’t have to be to an English-language source) or to clearly cite the source of the information.
- We will contact you if your piece is accepted. If you do not hear from us within a week, then we are sorry.
- TJR reserves the right to determine the title for any piece but will not publish a piece or a title without permission. A suggested title is appreciated.
- TJR editors have any rights to edit all submissions.
- All submissions will be reviewed and, if accepted for publication, edited for English fluency and house style before posted.
- Please write your full name, occupation, email, and brief background on your email when submitting your piece.