What is gender? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, gender is the physical and/or social condition of being male or female. So how many genders are there? 2, Male and Female.
It is taken from the fact that human born with biological sex that comes from physical or biological condition and hormones (XX or XY). There are also several cases that called as genetic syndrome, such as people with XXY Syndrome (Klinefelter Syndrome), or hermaphroditism. But those are categorized as disorder or syndrome and there is medical solution to those.
In the modern political narrative, we usually heard there are more than 2 genders in this world. People started to customize their own gender according their own feeling and traits. Male who is feminine might not be called as a male, and female who is strong and masculine might not be called as female.
Well, it’s cool if there are feminine male or masculine female, but what is the purpose of not calling them as male or female? Does the feminine side kill the fact that he is a male? Because if we talk about gender equality (in responsibility and rights) or social roles, the discussion is no longer on male or female.
So, what is the purpose of having more than 2 genders? Feeling or personal satisfaction? Or you just craving for attention?
By: Putu Radar Bahurekso